Final Drive Wheel Hub and Gearbox Servicing

Get the HubMate Low Profile Service Port and Service Tool

  • Do you need clean, safe, efficient servicing for wheel hubs and gearboxes?
  • Are you tired of mess, risk, and wasted time performing final drive oil changes?
  • Replace your stock drain plugs with our HubMate Low Profile Service Ports today!
HubMate Low Profile Service Port and Service Tool
"We’ve installed the fittings on all the final drives of our truck fleet, which includes over 40 vehicles. They’re perfect for our Kidney Looping setup, and since they’re a different style, there’s no risk of contamination from using the wrong oils. I haven’t heard any issues from the team on the floor—overall, we’re very happy." — Anonymous Heavy Equipment Fleet Manager, QLD
Banlaw HubMate completely avoids uncontrolled gear oil from final drive hubs on Cat 793 haul trucks and other heavy vehicles.
Banlaw HubMate Low Profile Service Port

Low Profile Service Port

The Low Profile Service Port and cap are installed on machine final drives and gearboxes, replacing stock drain plugs.

  • Drain and fill hubs and differentials via a single port
  • Low profile inside and outside of your machine allows installation where other parts are too bulky
  • Suitable for industrial workplace environments: -10°C <T°C < 100°C (14°F < T°F < 212°F)
  • Flush faced design so it’s easy to clean
Final Drive Wheel Hub and Gearbox Servicing » hubmate

Low Profile Service Tool

The Service Tool affixes to the Low Profile Service Port, enabling rapid and clean fluid transfers via the site-preferred receiver types.

  • Compatible with Banlaw flush faced couplings or your existing 3/4″ NPT(M) fittings
  • Rapidly evacuates waste fluids when used with a vacuum pump
  • Easy to use Service Tool, allows for one-handed operation
Banlaw HubMate Low Profile Service Port Socket

Low Profile Service Port Socket

The Socket tool enables the correct installation of HubMate Low Profile Service Ports onto machines.

The Low Profile Service Port is a unique flush-faced component designed to stop gear oil flowing from machines in a messy, uncontrolled manner. It eliminates leaks and spills and reduces the risk of fluid contamination whilst streamlining equipment service times.

The unique low profile of the HubMate Service Port is unlike any other product, allowing it to be installed where other parts simply cannot. The Low Profile Service Port features minimal extension into or outside the machine, limiting the risk of passing objects being struck.

Product Features:

  • Minimise the risk of environmental damage, fluid contamination, and slip hazards due to dry break design

  • Rapidly evacuate and store waste fluids (save 5 to 20 minutes on each wheel hub or gearbox service when using a vacuum pump)

  • Quickly refill gear oil by metering the correct amount via the Service Port (no waste, leaks, or wheel rotation required)

  • Maintain a clean and safe work environment, with every drop delivered where it’s needed

Tell us about your fleet:

We understand that there are a lot of machines with final drive wheel hubs and other gearboxes. The current HubMate Service port replaces stock drain plugs of 1-1/8″ and larger. If your machines look like our current product might suit, then please get in touch using the buttons or form below.

  • Cat 793C haul truck kits available now
  • Cat 793D haul truck kits available now
  • Other thread sizes can be produced on request
A revolution in final drive wheel hub and gearbox servicing for Cat 793 haul trucks and other HME

Get HubMate > Your new best friend in the maintenance bay

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