
Safety Update from Banlaw

Banlaw has spent three decades refining the functionality of the refuelling area. We understand the particular challenges you face with scale, speed and harsh environments. We also know how important it is to keep your staff and equipment safe whilst achieving optimum productivity.



refuelling (before)


refuelling (after)

An example of fuel spills on a mine site causing safety hazards. Afterwards, with Banlaw equipment installed, the leak has been stopped and safety standards have been further improved with a Banlaw dry break nozzle.

Safety update

You may have heard recent reports of wrist sprain and strain injuries sustained while refuelling heavy vehicles.

The root cause of this is likely to be premature shut-off of the refuelling nozzle, leading to the improper practice of the operator either tying the nozzle in the ON position, or manually holding the nozzle ON. Injuries can be caused when the the nozzle shuts-off while the operator is holding it.

These practices can also lead to other hazards such as tank overfilling, fuel spillage and internal over-pressurisation of the tank.

Premature shut-off will occur for a number of reasons, including nozzle and receiver spring settings unsuited to specific refuelling application(s). Banlaw is in a unique position to offer a range of nozzle spring settings and receiver spring settings to mitigate premature shut-off and create a safer and cleaner work environment.

Find Out How Banlaw Can Solve Your Biggest Fuel, Oil And Hydrocarbon Isues

Fillsafe Zero tank pressure overfill protection

A new revolution in clean and safe refuelling, giving you full confidence every time you refuel or refill. Overfill protection with no pressure build-up in the tank.

Fillsafe Zero

fillsafe zero banlaw's products

Our unique cost-effective system ‘powered’ by fuel flow

Fillsafe Power

banlaw's fillsafe power

Our unique cost-effective system ‘powered’ by fuel flow

Valuable safety services

Outsource your safety consulting to save time and money whilst keeping your employees and equipment safe. Our staff value the same safety policies as you and can help you meet all relevant safety criteria. We are proud of our safety record and the piece of mind it gives you on your site.


man standing and other man refuelling a the tractor

Training in OH&S when using refuelling equipment

Gap-analysis audits

banlaw fuel site

Identify any current or likely fuel safety issues and recommend improvements

Case Study

How Banlaw delivered safer refuelling for Pacific National

Pacific National – a large freight loco operator in Australia – had safety concerns regarding their fluid couplings used within In Line Refuelling systems, commonly used on longer haul journeys. Concerns included;

  • Spillage of fuel when connecting and disconnecting the couplings.
  • Difficulty in connecting the couplings with residual fuel pressure within the hose.
  • Unintentional disconnection of the couplings during a journey.

Banlaw designed and engineered Banlaw Bulk Fluid Transfer Couplings as a solution to avoid these issues.


Trusted safety solutions

Keep your site and employees safe while still achieving fuel rates of up to 1000lpm (264gpm) with Banlaw’s high-performance, durable refuelling products.

Our specialised range includes the following:

Drive away protection

a side controller and refuelling in the side
Our nozzle holster has an internal electronic proximity switch to deter the greatest risk of injury and equipment damage in refuelling.

Dry-break products

a man refuelling a huge tractor
Industry-leading, patented nozzles, receivers, vents and caps to avoid fuel spills and nozzle accidents, even at high refuelling speeds.

Load arms

a side controller and refuelling in the side
Durable load arms support the weight of the refuelling hose and coupling, avoiding slip and trip hazards and minimising manual handling.

Break-away valves

a man refuelling a huge tractor
As an extra precaution, prevent fuel spills with a break-away valve.

Unified fuel management

Banlaw’s expert knowledge and range of refuelling solutions can help you solve all your refuelling issues on site. We call this Unified Fuel Management.

Find out how Banlaw’s Unified Fuel Management can help you solve your top fuel issues, including safety.

unified fuel management, safe refuelling

Save time, money and fuel with Banlaw

April 30, 2015